Bill and Elizabeth Fouts
Justin Texas
Who do you know that does not want to earn, either a little extra income or make a life change and be stay at home parents. Advocare can help everyone in some part of life where they want or need change.

The world is in a recession but Advocare is not a part of that. We are growing because people today are looking to be healthier, lose weight and have more energy. With that said, you have a wonderful business in helping people do that and you get to earn an income you never thought possible.
Look at the people around you that are drinking energy drinks that are filled with sugar!

Look around at the people you know that want to lose weight!

Look around at the people that do not like their job or need more money!

Look at the parents who would rather be stay at home parents and raise their kids instead of day care.

Now do you know someone you can help with Advocare!